July 4
1. You refuse to face the fact that Edward is fictional
2. You count down the days until the next book comes out
3. You spend all your time coming up with theories for the next book
4. Your standards for men were instantly raised because of Edward
5. You secretly wish your boyfriend was a vampire
6. You accidentally address your dad as his name, like Bella
7. Volvos are your new favorite car
8. You quote the books constantly
9. You relate everything… I mean, EVERYTHING, to Twilight
10. You have now started biting people, or threatened to
11. If anyone so much as looks at your books the wrong way, you start screaming at them.
12. If anyone hasn’t read the books, you take it as a personal offence
13. You’ve already planned you and Edward’s wedding and handed out the invitations
14. You attempt not to sleep because, if Edward doesn’t need sleep, neither do you.
15. You dress up as a vampire by painting your face white, and putting purple under your eyes, and go out in public.
16. You suddenly find pale boys really attractive
17. All someone has to say to make you cry is “Edward’s not real.”
18. You start thinking really embarrassing thoughts, but immediately stop, fearing that Edward heard you.
19. You fear that someone will turn into a werewolf when they get angry
20. When you fall or trip, you refer to it as a "Bella moment".
21. Topaz is your new favorite color, courtesy of Edward's eyes.
22. You welcome rain so that your home can be more like Forks.
23. You pray for Stephanie Meyer to have Bella and Edward end up together.
24. Human baseball seems more boring than usual.
25. You carry a Twilight book with you at all times.
26. You will spend hours in front of the computer in Twilight fan groups, or searching for new Twilight information.
27. Your sleep schedule is completely reversed due to the all-nighters you pulled to read the books.
28. You try to see what character your family or friends resemble.
29. Your lifelong goal is to become a vampire and live with the Cullen’s.
30. You bawled when Edward left and when Edward came back.
31. You now never want to tan, so you can look like a vampire.
32. You see someone with dark eyes and think, "they must be thirsty."
33. You go back and forth from hating, to loving, to hating Jacob Black.
34. You constantly nag your friends to start reading Twilight, even though they don't need to, since you talk about it so much they know everything that happens.
35. You have to remind yourself to breathe when you think of Edward Cullen
36. You would give anything to see Edward sparkle in the sun.
37. You cried when Alice saw Edward planning to die.
38. You wish you could blush like Bella.
39. You constantly wonder whether your blood would be appealing to vampires and secretly hope it is.
40. When someone asks you out you say, “Sorry. I’m already dating Edward Cullen.”
41. You’re convinced you are the biggest fan and will argue with anyone who begs to differ
42. Your notebooks have “Mrs. Edward Cullen” written all over
43. Your mom no longer threatens to ground you, but to take away your books.
44. In your mind, serial killers no longer exist. Only newborn vampires do.
45. Your heart flutters anytime Edward talks.
46. You want to punch Charlie in the face when he is rude to Edward.
47. You make people read the books, but secretly hope they wont, so the obsession will only be yours.
48. You get very angry when someone says vampires sleep in coffins. Or only come out at night. Or won't show up in film.
49. You shun anyone who tries to convince you vampires don’t exist
50. You get into fights with your Twilight obsessed fans over which one is going to marry Edward
51. You throw birthday parties for the characters in the books
52. You would gladly trade your life for Bella's, even if that means occasionally being attacked by vampires.
53. You're cold, and you wish you had Jacob.
54. The Twilight books are guarded with your life.
55. You will follow a silver Volvo, convinced that Edward is in it and get very depressed when you realize he’s not.
56. You wish you owned Bella's truck.
57. You attempt at being as graceful as Alice. And fail miserably.
58. Your future children's names are all names from the books.
59. Edward is the sexiest name alive.
60. You've bought several copies of each book to give as future presents to yourself.
61. You've made t-shirts that relate to Twilight.
62. You screamed when Bella kissed Jacob
63. You find yourself subconsciously narrating your life.
64. You started using strawberry shampoo
65. You wish you had a Jacob and Edward to fight for you
66. When you read Twilight fan fiction
67. You write Twilight fan fiction
68. You plan on moving to Forks someday.
69. You've pinch the bridge of your nose when you got angry
70. Edward’s version of Twilight Chapter 1 gives you chills.
71. You are either thrilled that Robert Patterson is playing Edward, or completely depressed.
72. You're convinced vampires exist, and you're not ashamed of it
73. You love when it is rainy, cloudy, or snowy out, and hate when it is sunny.
74. You check the weather in Forks, when you live no where near it.
75. You introduce yourself to people as Mrs. Cullen
76. When talking online/texting you always remember to capitalize Twilight and any other name from the book
77. You look at all the pale people in your classes and wonder if they're secretly vampires and wish to ask them if they can turn you into one
78. You dream about Edward nearly every night
79. You dream of Vampires nearly every night
80. You want to go to Forks for your spring/summer break
81. You smile/sigh whenever you hear/see Edward's name and it has nothing to do with Twilight
82. You’re unable to believe that vampires actually have fangs or some crazy dark side
83. You are certain that your boyfriend is a vampire simply on the basis that he's sexy/shiny/composed
84. You start imagining scenes from the books in your head at random moments
85. You’ve convinced random strangers to read the book or see the movie
86. You waste the ink of your print cartridge thanks to printing images and images of Edward
87. You cry because your father used Eclipse as a coaster for his drink
88. You relate even the weirdest things to the book
89. You think you can feel Edward beside you while you're reading/dreaming/talking/walking/etc (maybe even when you’re doing nothing at all)
.your friends/family have told you to shut-up because you talked about Twilight to much
91. You start talking to the book
92. While talking to your friends, they mention something that reminds you of Twilight, and you mutter a joke from Twilight and start laughing your head off
93. You’ve highly considered naming your future son Edward.
94. Whenever somebody mentions the words 'vampire' or 'werewolf', you immediately try to worm your way into the conversation just to make sure they're not insulting them
95. You still cry at sad parts of the book... even though you've read it just so many times
96. You smack your brother/sister when they say Edward doesn’t exist or is a total retard. and don’t stop smacking until they say they’re sorry
97. You have over 500 Twilight related pictures on your computer
98. You've re-created Bella's bracelet
99. You already have a space on your bookshelf for Breaking Dawn
100. You already have the tickets for the Twilight movie
ME = 73 wow lol I guess I need a life or to read the books more so that all of them apply to me... lol jk!
July 3
Hello, I have finished the first chapter of the sequel and I hope to have it posted in the next few days. If I can get a few more votes on the title, it could be up within the week! I only have a few more weeks before I officially become a Senior in high school and I can't wait! Wish me luck... That's all for Now
June 29 (pt 2)
As promised, I will now explain (and not delete) the reasoning behind Bella's pregnancy. Ok, as Carlisle has told Bella and Edward, Edward was a virgin and seeing as all men develop sperm, he never, um, got rid of it. He had a supply of it and when he and Bella consummated their marriage, it was released. Bella was still a human and his sperm took hold of an egg... you get the picture. Neither of them had thought that is was even possible so they didn't even bother to use protection. Without giving away too much of the storyline for the sequel, the baby (or babies) will stop aging when it (or they) turn seventeen. The sequel will be about Bella's pregnancy and hopefully, there will be at least one chapter for each month. I hope that you guys don't kill me for doing that or taking so long but I promise that it will be worth the wait. Just wait and see! Just type in this url and watch what comes up. Trust me!
Twilight: Watch a Scene As It's Shot!
(I fixed the link!) (October 29)
June 29
Hi people. I'm trying something different and placing the date whenever I update my profile. I hope that you guys will vote on my polls that I put up and don't hate me for taking so long to publish the sequel for Lunar Break. For those who are new to reading the story and haven't gotten a chance to read my explanation of Bella's pregnancy, I apologize and I will be posting that information on here shortly, quite possibly later today. Right now, I'm at work and waiting to clock in so I may have to wait until my break.
I hope that you guys will read my new story, 'Hypnosis', and tell me what you think. It was just an idea that popped into my head and I had to get it out before the idea left me. I often get blessed with this lovely little thing called Writer's Block...
Oh, well. I was thinking of doing a story where all were human, Mike was actually Bella's ex, and the Cullen's were the ones that move to Forks when Bella notices them. You guys should send me a message and tell me what you think because I don't think that I have room to put up another poll... The first one mysteriously disappeared whenever I put up the one about the number of children should have since this will be her one and only pregnancy and all that jazz..
I guess you guys are tired of me rambling so I'll go now and read some more of this really cool story (I hate myself for loving you) that's on my favourite authors list. check it out!
Hey people! I just wanted to say sorry for the long wait on the sequel but I have to work on my real book or my publisher is going to get mad at me. Camp was awesome and I had so much fun. We had a step competition and a talent show and a scavenger hunt and had a lot of fun. I met quite a few people that also love Twilight and a guy that can do a wall-flip!
Due to my lovely indecisiveness, I need your help on choosing a title for the sequel. My lovely friend, Heather P., gave me three titles and I can't decide between the two that I like the most. I have a poll where you guys can help me and please do! Just know that I am multitasking out to wazoo and I don't have as much time as I would like to work on the stories for you guys.
That's it for now. Oh yeah! I will turn 17 on the 23rd of July! YAY!
Ciao, Bella! 'Bella' means beautiful in Italian
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